About Cannabis

Cannabis Sativa L

Cannabis is Hemp is Marijuana

     Cannabis with less than 0.3%THC =

                                                                 non-psychoactive =

                                                                                                industrial hemp All Cannabis Sativa L

Cannabis/Hemp can be harvested for Flowers, Seeds, Stalks and Roots.

Prohibition protects the petroleum industry

Cannabis could replace Petroleum, Timber, Cotton, Rapeseed

However Hemp Farming is thwarted due to vested interests in outdated industries and licences to grow hemp difficult to obtain

High THC cannabis produces 7X more seed than low THC cannabis (hemp)

Construction materials 1-acre Cannabis (4months) = 4 acres Trees (20+yrs)

Fabric and Clothing 1-acre Cannabis (4months) = 2 acres Cotton (6months)

Fuel and Food 1-acre cannabis/hemp provides about 300-gallon seed oil

The waste product of producing Hemp Oil is 3 Tons of Nutritious Hemp Flour

Whereas Soy, Rape or Sunflower Seeds provide about 100-115 gallons

The waste product could to be composted but is often burned

Cannabis Sativa L, Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Ruderalis (Hemp),

The Possibilities are endless

" The earliest known woven fabric was apparently of hemp,

which began to be worked in the eighth millenium (8,000 - 7,000BC)"

(The Columbia History of the World, 1981,page 54)

The body of literature (archaeologists, anthropologists, philologists, economists, historians, etc.) is in agreement that, at the very least:

From more than 1,000 years before the birth of Christ until 1883AD., Cannabis hemp - indeed, Marijuana --  was our planets largest agricultural crop and most important industry for thousands of products and enterprises;

producing the overall majority of Earths fibre, fabric, lighting oil, paper, incense and medicines, as well s a primary source of essential food, oil and protein for humans and animals.

From The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer


Hemp fibres are up to 4 times stronger than cotton, more durable, softer,

resistant to mildew.

Furthermore clothes made from hempcan be recycled to make rag paper.

Some fine clothes were traditionally made from hemp fibre,

including some of the finest linens.

The well known fabric Denim was originally made in America  from hemp,

shipped from France in bales labelled Chenvre de Nim, chenvre being

French for hemp eventually shortened to Denim.

The 'Father of History' Herodotus mentions the Thracians produced the finest cloth from hemp. 


Ropes, Sails, Charts and Maps were all traditionally made from hemp.

Oakum was prepared from cannabis fibres taken from rope steeped in tars and pressed. It was an ideal sealant for the hulls of wooden ships. Hemp - Jolly Jack Tar

Hemp plants (Cannabis) grow up to 15 feet tall

Rope was traditionally made from fibres from the upright stems of the plant. It was very strong but it had to be dipped in tar to make the ropes waterproof and needed subsequent re-coating.

Hemp plants do not need a hot climate. Rope makers used hemp from Lincolnshire, Russia and Italy.


Most medieval books and bibles were made from cannabis fibres, of much better quality than wood pulp papers and capable of lasting for thousands of years.

Paper money was usually made from hemp as it was far more durable than wood pulp paper.

Hemp paper can be recycled up to 7 times nearly twice that of other papers.

The earliest piece of paper that exists was made from hemp c.100BC. from China.


For both Tents,

Ideal for Tarpaulin not only because of it's fire retardent , mildew resistance and partial shower proofing properties but also as a woven cloth it's fibres are Thermo-dynamic meaning it retains warmth in cold but is cooling when it's hot

and Artwork. The Dutch word 'canvas' is derived from the Latin word 'cannabis'.


Varnishes, Adhesives and Glues traditionally had cannabis in their composition'

Floor Coverings;

Historically were often made from cannabis fibres.

Building Materials;

Hemp concrete, fibreboards stronger than plywood and re-usable shuttering for concrete mouldings are just some of the applications traditionally used in the building trade.

In the South of France there is a bridge c.500AD. made from a material traditionally known as Isochanvre described as the process of mineralization of sap and resin.

Terry Waite CBE. World-renowned humanitarian and author had a guest house built using hemp for the walls, floor and ceilings, the hemp was delivered in the form of chippings or shavings, in paper sacks from a French firm named;

Chevonette Habitat, whose owner Mme. France Perier, claimed that the Pyramids were built using the hemp, lime and water recipe she had discovered. This hemp, lime, water mix was cast into panels, it's as flxible as cement but 6 times lighter, making it easier to work with. It's also stronger, concrete structures start to detiorate immediately, whereas Hempcrete continues to gain strength because lime absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it sets. After construction the hempcrete continues to absorb carbon and continues to get stronger, acting as a very much needed  carbon sink. 

A method very similar to this can also applied to produce 'Hemp Metal'. The German automobile manufacturer Mercedes were testing the material for car panels. Whereas BMW have been using this method for their dashboards for years.

Henry Ford with his Model T built to run on Hemp biomass and incorporating 10% hemp as one the components in the body panels, and then attacking the panel with a sledge hammer that  bounced off the surface without so much as a dent.

Henry Ford is known to have used hemp, along with pine fibres, straw and ramie for his famous Model T built to run on hemp biomass fuel. When exhibited the car was powered by a 60 horse power Ford V-8 engine,

the panels could withstand a blow 10 time heavier than a similar car

with steel panels before denting, meaning it was safer.

It was also much lighter than a steel car so more fuel efficient.

Lamp and Lubricating oils.

Hemp was cleaner burning than Flax oil.


Available today but generally only from specialist suppliers and looked upon as more of a gimmick than a serious product, which is a great pity as it makes luxurious soap. It is becoming more widespread and is likely to continue to do so as a sideline  from one of the many newly formed modern hemp industries.


The seed itself can be made into porridge, flour, breads or indeed anything that is flour based. The oil was traditionally used as a salad dressing, to make margarine and food supplements, i.e. Omega oil. The leaves are often used as a delicious salad vegetable or to make a soothing infusion. The seed was also pressed into cakes to make animal fodder.

These days it is used to make many foodproducts including a milk substitute containing Omega 3, 6 and 9 oils


Taken either by eating, drinking an infusion, applying a topical oil or ointment and yes... even smoking pure cannabis alleviates the symptoms of many ailments. The application would depend on the ailment and individuals preferences.

Cannabis was for centuries the 2nd most used Folk Medicine in the world against a huge array of ailments, further to this with the attitude towards Medical Cannabis on the change we are likely to see an upsurge of it's use for many more.

Below is a list of ailments that have either traditionally been treated with cannabis and some modern conditions that have shown great promise and often complete from it's use;


AIDS, Alzheimers, Arthritis, Asthma, Cancers including the shrinking of tumours, Cystic Fibrosis, Dementia, Depression, Emphysema, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, Herpes, High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Migraines and other headaches, Multiple Schlerosis, Muscular cramping i.e. Period pains, Nausea, Pain (including severe neuropathic pain and chemotherapy related pains, both of which I can personally vouch for it's efficacy), Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Schizophrenia (despite the Reefer Madness style publicity the plant recieved a while back, in a balanced plant, not as is often grown for High Toxicology under the shadow of prohibition), Tourettes Syndrome and just a little one to add on the end to aid in the fight against drug and alcohol addiction.

Cannabis is one of our most versatile and therefore valuable plant resources

A Medicine of the Past or a Cure for the Future

There has been recently a huge upsurge in research worldwide the following list was prepared a number of years ago and has of course been added to with research worldwide. Research is continuing and eventually we will have a full understanding of this miracle plant;

A short list of ailments, and conditions alleviated by the illegal use of an amazing plant.

AIDS; although the body has no defence sufferers report a feeling of well being and contentment from cannabis use.

Aphrodisiac; whilst the effect on male impotence is not proven Cannabis can greatly assist low libido

Alzheimer’s Disease; slows down deterioration and is thought to reduce the risk of developing the disease.

Arthritis; Cannabis can ease the pain and discomfort of swollen, painful and twisted joints.

Asthma; 85% of asthma sufferers can alleviate the symptoms by vaporising cannabis.

Cancerous Tumours; Cannabis can help control and even reduce benign and cancerous tumours plus alleviate the nausea and pain from chemotherapy.

Cystic Fibrosis; Exocrine glands that affect the Pancreas and Intestines, Bronchial and Sweat glands become disrupted. Breathing and eating becomes impaired by Mucus. Cannabis can be used as a local analgesic which can go a long way towards relieving symptoms.

Dementia; Cannabis is believed to delay the onset in elderly sufferers but not recommended for those with cardio-vascular complaints.

Depression; Cannabis has been successfully used to aid people with depression and is less harmful and habit forming than anti-depressant drugs.

Emphysema; Vaporising Cannabis causes an expansion of the bronchi and bronchioles leading to increased oxygenation thus making deteriorated lungs more efficient.

Epilepsy; In as many as 60% of cases there coud be a positive effect with Cannabis leading to a reduction in seizures.

Fibromyalgia; eases increased sensitivity to pain, fatigue (extreme tiredness) and muscle stiffness, difficulty sleeping, problems with mental processes (known as "fibro-fog") and headaches, associated with this disorder.

Glaucoma; In cases where Cannabis treatment has been tested as many as 90% have been successful. It’s effect on intraocular pressure is three times that of prescription drugs.

Herpes; although there is no known cure cannabis tinctures kill the herpes virus on contact, reduce both recurrence and blister healing times.

High Blood Pressure; ingesting Cannabis extends the arteries which causes a reduction in pressure.

Insomnia; Cannabis eaten an hour before sleep gives, a better quality sleep than attained with prescription drugs without residual drowsiness or feelings of a hangover.

Migraines; the consumption of Cannabis reverses the convulsive narrowing of arteries but also takes away the feelings of nausea migraine headaches cause.

Multiple Sclerosis; well known to be effective towards reducing the muscular spasms and twitching associated with this disorder, but also aids in attaining feelings of contentment and wellbeing.

Muscular Cramping; ingested or used as a topical balm Cannabis is an exceptional non morphine based anti-spasmodic.

Nausea; relief can often be found fro nausea especially useful after chemotherapy and as an appetite enhancer for those with eating disorders.

Pain; Chronic pain is probably the widest medicinal use of Cannabis.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Cannabis has been effectively used to relieve a wide range of psychological symptoms from Depression right through to Anger and Rage.

Schizophrenia; despite reports over the years from ‘experts’ that Cannabis causes schizophrenia, it is now known that the Cannabinoid CBD (Cannabidiol) inhibits this disorder. Hybrid strains produced by criminal gangs to make more money on the black market containing less and less CBD are widely thought to be a cause, proving once again that PROHIBITION is a harmful entity.

Tourette’s Syndrome; Cannabis use reduces the compulsion to TICK or to behave/speak in inappropriate ways.

Not only could Cannabis be used as a medicine for our species but also as a medicine for our entire planet.

Hemp grows without the need for pesticides and agrochemicals.

Fossil fuels are literally choking us to Death.

Hemp Biomass along with other types of sustainable energy production are imperative.

Textiles that are softer and more durable. Hemp cloth is fire retardant and mildew resistant.

Hemp Building materials don’t leach toxins into the earth either during or after production. Furthermore Hemp Bricks and Hemp concrete act as a carbon sink reducing carbon in the air.

Hemp seeds are more nutritious than Soya and easier to grow. Yet more important Hemp does not impede the bodies calcium intake unlike Soya, essential for growth in children.

Hemp paper can be recycled 7 times unlike most other paper which can only be recycled 3 times.


As a Folk Medicine Cannabis is unpopular mostly from the point of view of Multinational Pharmaceutical Corporations and their lobbyists.

Why is that you might ask;

The answer is simplicity itself, it is so easy to grow and would hit their profits hard.


So here are my thoughts decriminalisation or whatever, bearing in mind I am a born cynic.

First of all we have schizophrenic information/laws or at best a system in place which all makes sense to no-one.

Suspiciously Sativex is Schedule 4 (ii).  How can this be as it contains the same apparently dangerous cannabis that is schedule 1, which is Skunk#1, doesn’t it?

Who decided the Schedule for this product?

Which brings us to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, MHRA (sponsored by the Department of Health, AKA the Government) publishing a statement in 2016 starting “We have come to the opinion that products containing cannabidiol (CBD) used for medical purposes are a medicine. Medicinal products must have a product licence (marketing authorisation) before they can be legally sold, etc, etc”; so this is their ‘opinion’ and from November 2016 products containing CBD will have to gain a licence to be sold as healthcare products, extending prohibition quite effectively, once again nice of our government to help to;

extEND OUR PAIN. At present of course CBD products seem to be allowed as novelty foods, but this still seems to be a grey area, which I have no doubt is being scrutinised with regards to more control.

The efficacy of CBD is something to which the general public are becoming increasingly aware of, as are politicians. However alongside this THC is being ignored, hidden away or vilified as the bad cannabinoid. Even though without the action of THC activating the Endocannabinoid system, the full entourage of cannabinoids work less efficiently producing their individual effects unless in combination, the effectiveness of individual cannabinoids such as CBD are diminished.

Oh! Of course unless they’ve listened to the prohibitionists and in this day and age you would need blinkers and headphones feeding you constant Reefer Madness to not know there is something a bit askew with the Misuse of Drugs Act.

On the Advantages of decriminalising or De-scheduling

1) Removal of illegal purchase/supply; The most obvious advantage at least to those in the medical or pharmaceutical professions, would be that more people could be prescribed Sativex or Epidiolex by GPs or specialists but maybe with luck also something similar to or better than the Dutch Bedrocan which has more cultivars to choose from because they have realised many people who uses cannabis to alleviate symptoms of disorders often build up a tolerance to single cultivars and will therefore need to change cultivars from time to time.

This would only be the beginning of the end of criminal cannabis markets, if recreational and other users could have outlets to buy cannabis such as the Dutch style Coffee Shops or Spanish style private Cannabis Social Clubs and probably medical users too who could still find themselves up against stigmas from NHS, GPs, or specialists who could also refuse to prescribe, or if someone had to choose that route the cost of private prescriptions too prohibitive. I have met many people in the medical professions with opposing views on cannabis, I always talk to them about cannabis and the Endocannabinoid system and sometimes it seems to deafened ears.

2) Product Purity; this has improved even in the present black market under prohibition; due I believe to the quality of research by activists over the last few decades and online campaigns to educate people on the ingredients of contaminated products being sold previously on the black market. However there are still greedy individuals and criminal organisations who will do anything to make more money, so it is still buyer beware this won’t change without taking cannabis off the schedules completely.

The same schedule that the UN admitted during the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) April 2016 was nefariously scheduled in the first place.

3) Diversity; this is obviously important different cultivars are more efficacious for various diseases and conditions. But also for recreational users after all alcohol drinkers wouldn’t like to be limited in their choice of alcohol.

4) Research; this is happening worldwide with more and more claims from researchers of effective medical uses of cannabis. In Israel scientists have been conducting clinical trials on cannabis for Epilepsy for many years.

5) Safety and reduction of opioid-related death;

First safety this comes from many directions;

  1. knowledge that the product is what you pay for and not some dangerous alternative i.e. Spice, the same right any consumer has in a legal marketplace
  2. Legal outlets not for instance back alleys
  3. Less chance of fire hazards from illegal grows from dodgy wiring or suchlike.

Then opioid related deaths;

After my bone marrow transplant I was in isolation couldn’t get any of my preferred pain relief. I was in agony as my new immune system was attacking all my organs as aliens in their world albeit held back by immuno suppressants it was excruciatingly painful. They dosed me with Morphine as I was screaming in agony. Half an hour later still no better they gave me Tramadol, still in agony half an hour later some other opiate Co-Codomol I think by which time I’d stopped responding. I was awake but my brain didn’t work and the world was mushy, not nice at all. Luckily for me I didn’t die or become addicted to opiates as so many do.

6) Alcohol reduction; people will still drink but given a choice to use cannabis instead Coffee shop/cannabis club scenario (which of course isn’t even on the table) there would be the possibility of less drinking and the horrendous scenes caused by alcohol i.e. every Saturday in towns across the country.

7) Suicide reduction; I have known many people over the years who were, or unfortunately sometimes could have been helped, with cannabis use.

8) Finance; not really my thing but just looking at all the good being done with some of the revenue from cannabis sales in Colorado for instance, speaks for itself.

9) Rising crime rates; As for statements that crime rates would escalate with greater cannabis availability what utter drivel, prohibition was the mother of organised crime and consequently with a regulated and legal supply of cannabis for everyone the crime rates would fall, because cannabis growers, sellers and users would no longer be criminals and any links to organised crime would be severed.

Anyway apologies for going on so much that my Endocannabinoid system needs topping up to regain the homeostasis it requires and I’d best drink some dyhydrogen monoxide so as not to schrimple or dehydratify any more than at present.

One Love

If you think Cannabis is illegal because it's a dangerous drug have a read of the following and you may change your mind 

Killer Drug turns Doctor to Bat and all that Palaver

Two puffs on a marijuana cigarette and I turned into a bat flew round the room and into a 200 foot inkwell claimed Dr James Munch, under oath in court. Dr. Munch a Pharmacologist of Temple University, Philadelphia, USA was expert witness for the Federal Bureau of Narcotics and US Government , from 1938 – 1962 stating the effect he had from marijuana. Well of course it’s laughable that anyone could believe such claptrap. Nevertheless his word was heard these now infamous words, crop up every now and again, well in my world at least. I read something years ago and it made me curious as to why Anslinger and his cronies (which I’ve just looked up and it means friends) hated cannabis so much.

So first of all where does JD Anslinger fit into the equation?  Well back in the 1930s, his wife’s uncle the Secretary of State to the US Treasury Department Andrew Mellon and a very powerful industrialist with interests/investments as diverse as DuPont and General Motors and not averse to political leverage in favour of his own businesses, appointed him head of the newly formed Federal Bureau of Narcotics. So first look at Mellon’s business interests and there is an undeniable link between the myriad uses of Hemp/Cannabis as opposed to coal, lumber and the new upcoming ‘fossil’ oil based, petroleum, nylon and plastics industries.  Anslinger wasted no time whatsoever in his goal to demolish the Hemp industries.

Now if we just backtrack a little to 1919 a newly re-invented machine called a decorticator had just been patented on 1st July by George W Schlichten which would have revolutionised the stripping of hemp as separating the fibres from the hurds had always been problematic. The first fully operative decorticator went to work in a spinning mill owned by John D Rockefeller, who tried unsuccessfully to buy out the patent.

However investors were needed to market and develop the invention but were in short supply one though Harry Timken the owner of Timken Roller Bearing Company wanted to develop it for both fibre and paper production, and met with Edward W Scripps of Scripps Newspaper Company, who along with William Hearst owned vast areas of Woodlands and Forests which they thought would be severely devalued by the development of alternatives for paper. This is true of most papers as Hemp paper is much stronger than other papers, including rag papers made from cotton and can be recycled up to seven times unlike others usually only three.

However for newspapers hemp paper is far too good a quality due to its cellulose content timber only contains about 30% cellulose whereas hemp can contain up to 85% which gives it strength and durability.

 Alongside these industries that hemp was seen as a threat to, there was also the Multinational Pharmaceutical and Petrochemical Conglomerate owned by Lammont Du Pont that bore his name were using fossil fuels to manufacture fuels and medicines and the recent invention of nylon synthetic fibres. General Motors car manufacturer was another industry the Du Pont family became part of building cars specifically to run on petrol or gasoline as it’s called in America.

There is an old joke about Ford automobiles from that time ‘Any colour you want as long as it’s black’, which quite likely originated as an idea for advertising GM Cars as they came in a variety of colours.

 As far as these investors were concerned something had to be done to put a metaphorical spanner in the works. So the FBN drafted the Marijuana Tax Act which would put hemp production under the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department.

Between 1935 and 1937 Du Pont persistently lobbied Herman Oliphant, chief counsel to the US Treasury Dept. Mellon Secretary of State to the US Treasury piled pressure on for federal legislation, not only was he Anslinger’s uncle in law but also Du Pont’s banker and a major shareholder in both Du Pont and Golf Oil and a large coal mining company.

With Hearst vilifying Mexicans and by association marijuana in print for many years and the recent Reefer Madness Campaign apparently made by a church group (although this is uncertain the films were later purchased and added to by notorious exploitation film producer Dwain Esper) the newly revived hemp industries were in for a rough ride.

Of course the sneaky part is the use of the word Marijuana often these days thought of as a racist word,

I’ll not get into semantics here but will briefly look at the word and how it became known. Most people will have heard of the song “La Cucaracha” which translated literally means “The Cockroach”,

in the song the cockroach loses one of its legs which makes it difficult to get around the words have changed over theyears but many of the changes have highlighted political orsocial conditions originally included the following words; 

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But what has that got to do with Hemp well just after the turn of the 20th Century the President of the United States Theodore Roosevelt declared 150 million acres of land National Forests which meant Hearst was unable to cut down as much as he wanted for newspaper production, even though he owned much of the land mentioned. Possibly part of the reason for the new land titles were a bit of political rivalry. Roosevelt disliked Hearst’s style of yellow journalism as he wanted to read a newspaper full of facts not stories made up to sell papers. Hearst decided to head for Mexico where he also owned vast tracks of land; there he came across Pancho Villa the former bandit and his newly named by the President of Mexico Northern Division.

Pancho Villa revolutionary commander and one of the most prominent figures of the Mexican Revolution is generally one of the first names that comes to mind when the history and literal meaning of “La Cucaracha” is questioned. The revolutionary version was reportedly sung by Villa’s troops during battle they managed to secure 800,000 acres of the land mostly forest from William Hearst earmarked for timber and paper production and possibly the catalyst for the Mexican revolution and it’s also the adaptation that most notably references cannabis.

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Quite possibly where the word marijuana entered the western world at first unnoticed but also a possible origin to the word Roach as the butt of a joint or spliff.

Hearst was renowned for anti Mexican propaganda printed in his many media outlets he also ran anti hemp ads in 20 daily newspapers, 11 Sunday newspapers in 13 cities, which provided huge support to the campaign for the Marijuana Tax Act. It is no coincidence Hearst thought he stood to lose a fortune as hemp production threatened the value of wood pulp.

Once passed the Marijuana Tax Act 1937 due to its bureaucratic, legal and financial barriers made it nearly impossible to be successful in the hemp industries. Strange that in a time of industrial decline a resource hailed as the new billion dollar crop by popular Mechanics Magazine would be doomed to failure.

Had the greed of the conglomerate of Hearst, DuPont, Mellon, Rockefeller and the racial hatred of Anslinger not won the day back in history it’s possible the climate of the world we currently live in may not have undergone such cataclysmic changes.

If you know the facts about Hemp it is not difficult to understand how the prohibition of cannabis would be beneficial to those invested in its rivals.

For just oil production alone, one acre of industrial hemp produces enough seed to make Three Hundred gallons of oil with Three tons of nutritious hemp flour produced from the waste of those same seeds.

Further to this fabrics can be made from the fibres in the stems, which are fire, water and mildew resistant, but also thermodynamic which means clothes made from the fabric are warm in winter and cool in summer. Cotton fabrics are prone to mildew, cotton also requires chemicals in the form of pesticides and herbicides and vast amounts of water when growing.

The centre of the stems or hurds can be made into building materials with timber style boards stronger than oak. Hemp bricks are a carbon sink as unlike conventional bricks they have not been fired and literally absorb carbon from the air making them stronger with age.

 There are so many uses for this plant that any government that can’t see the potential of this wonder crop is either blind or more likely so heavily invested in its rivals.

This brings us to where we are today apart from mentioning members of our government are heavily involved in a monopoly to grow what they call ‘Medicinal Cannabis’, although anyone that knows realises that Medicinal, Recreational, Sacramental and Industrial Cannabis/Hemp it is all the same plant as they are all Cannabis Sativa L, the L being the Swedish Botanist Carl Linnaeus who formalised our modern system of taxonomy or classification.

The difference between Hemp and Cannabis is plant husbandry and geographical location, however genetically they are one and the same.